
Move To Change Festival

As an artist whose goal is to further amplify the current issues of Black and Indigenous people, I strive to use narratives directly from people impacted in the production of my works. The first piece performed on this video is a comment on the destruction of capitalism focused on the Huni Kuin Tribe's testimony about the fires in the Amazon that are affecting their way of life. The voices you hear are from tribal members and below are the translations. The second piece is inspired by the power and lure of water. It flows through all of us, nurtures all of us, connects us, has the power to protect us and the ability to destroy us if we are not careful about maintaining the natural balance of people and the earth. The purpose of Move to Change is to use dance as a form of social justice and arts activism through the lens of BIPOC choreographers and dance filmmakers. The goal of Move to Change is to create cultural and gender affirming spaces for artists of color (African, Latina/o/x, Asian, Arab, Native American [ALAANA]), MENA (Middle East & North Africa), & SWANA (South West Asia & North Africa) to educate, empower, and illuminate issues that reflects their histories and cultures through their unique and rich movement aesthetics.


Afro-Haitian Course Performance

